Many federal programs aimed at protecting the environment, taking action on climate change, and promoting environmental justice are under attack. However, we can prevail. Because of the very small Republican majority in the House of Representatives, we can stop the repeal of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which is likely to happen early in 2025.
What you can do:
Post on your representative's social media. If you are posting on Facebook, try to find a post that is relevant to which you can add your comments. For example, "Representative ___, I would really like to see you do everything you can to stop efforts to repeal climate and energy programs in the Inflation Reduction Act. As your constituent in <city>, I urge you to prioritize the economic and energy protections in the IRA. We need you to fight for us."
Contact your representative by phone and let them know that you support the IRA and want them to fight its repeal. Dial 855-980-2279 to be connected directly to your representative. (If you don't know your representative, click here and enter your address.)​​​
To make your call most effective, use the following guidelines:
Identify yourself as a constituent: "Hi, my name is ____ and I live in ___, my zipcode is ___.​
Be specific: "I support the Inflation Reduction Act's clean energy and climate programs and want Representative ___ to vote against repealing them."
Be personal: "Protecting the IRA is important to me because... (insert your reasons, which may include improvements to the environment, economic benefits, green energy development, etc)
Follow the ABCs: Be Accurate, be Brief, be Courteous
For more information, check out this page on the Sierra Club's website.