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Responses from Distict 5 Candidates

Name: Manuel Delgado Jr
What office are you running for? Ingham County Commissioner Dist. 5
Campaign phone number: 517-974-9235
Campaign email:
Campaign website: none yet
Campaign social media: Manuel Delgado Jr for Ingham County Commissioner

1. The best available climate science shows we need to drastically reduce emissions by 2030. Ingham County policy and action should align with the goals set by Federal, State and local governments. What is your timeline for Ingham County's transition to renewable energy? How would you support efforts to implement community solar and to increase the use of geothermal and wind energy?
I already support renewable energy and am looking for solar for my own home. I believe our major climate changes in the past 5 years are directly a result of our own doing...... mining, oil, and factory fumes.


2. Transportation is one of the largest sectors for carbon emissions. This has the immediate effect of creating poor air quality. As Ingham County grows, we must look for ways to make transportation more affordable and less polluting. Expanded public transit, EV infrastructure, and improved bike/walk safety are all critical parts of the solution. What policies and initiatives do you support to make Ingham County less car-dependent and more walkable, bikeable, and with improved access to public transportation? What funding would you put in place to implement these initiatives?
I am one that likes to walk and bike. I also want to make information for seniors on these subjects more accessable.

3. Climate change disproportionately impacts frontline communities, especially low-income and Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC) communities. What actions do you support to address these imbalances?
Again, I want to make information more accessable to all county residents. ie easier to find

4. There is unequivocal data that the health of underrepresented communities are disproportionately affected by environmental factors such as air pollution, PFAS poisoning, flooding, and climate change. What can Ingham County do to address the health impacts of environmental contamination?
Please see above;


5. Federal funds are often directed to benefit Low Income Disadvantaged Communities (LIDAC) and can help achieve climate justice goals. Accessing this funding on behalf of Ingham County will help those in Ingham County who need that support and will bring equity to energy costs, transportation, food accessibility, and human health. Where would you like to see Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other Federal investments made in regards to affordable clean energy? What can be done to ensure the process of obtaining rebates and tax credits is easy to access for those who are seeking the assistance?

I think better ad campaigns for these are needed


6. How we handle waste plays an important part of reducing emissions. How will you support waste reduction efforts, such as improved participation in recycling, removing organic waste from the waste stream and promoting composting, and a single-use plastics ban?
I think that we need more education on what and why we recycle the different materials.

7. What do you see as the biggest roadblocks to addressing climate change through local policy? If elected, how would you collaborate with elected officials at all levels of government, businesses, individuals, and other community stakeholders to address these roadblocks?
What i want to focus most on is getting the education of not only these but resources that are available to the average citizen and mostly Senior Citizens


8. Conventional norms of development and landscaping are definitively linked to plummeting populations of pollinator species such as birds, bats, and bees. What actions can Ingham County take to conserve and restore biodiverse habitats? What steps can Ingham County take to make such considerations the standard for land use?
Educate the community on these issues and possible put more on the election ballots.

9. Private homes, businesses, and agricultural operations often use chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers that run off into water, causing great harm to aquatic wildlife and, left unchecked, can cause mass die-offs. What responsibility do Ingham County officials have towards water and wildlife?
The County needs to maintain and properly keep up to date on what is being fed into its waterways through regular testing and again keeping the issue in front of the public, not by scare tactics but through education.

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